Thursday, February 23, 2017

Dragon Test

With a creature animation as my next animation challenge, I figured I better find a rig that's fairly advance, but still fun to work with. I came across this little guy , and took a few hours to do an animation test. The learning curve was pretty steep, and there are a lot of controls to wrestle through, but I think he'll be worth while.

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

A Dash of Sweetness

I'm a huge fan of designing themed treats. Here's a small sample. The first two are based on refreshments mentioned in the Pokemon series, and the third one is themed after the Broadway musical, Hamilton.

Character Work

Here are a couple of character lineups from a collaborative space-based story I've been writing with my friend. The first one is recent, the second one was recently revised from a lineup I did a while ago.

Monday, January 16, 2017

Hero Res Blocking Part 2

I felt the story of the original animation didn't deliver the punchline as well as I wanted it to. I decided to place more focus on the mage character--giving her some time to rush over, consider the situation, then act. Since she gets a mini character arc, her frustration at the end has a little more value, and the joke lands better.

Book Rig Credit goes to: